We support students who seek to address educational justice in their high school.


¡DALE! was launched in 2021 to create conditions of empowerment for high school students who seek to address educational justice in their school. The program seeks to strengthen student skills, bring together leaders and community organizers who are committed to educational justice in our high schools, and co-create a pipeline of youth organizers and leaders in Sonoma County. 

¡DALE! has three components:

Short Term Vision

To strengthen the development, advocacy, leadership, and engagement of high school students in Sonoma County.

Fortalecer el desarrollo, activismo, liderazgo y participación de los estudiantes en las preparatorias del condado de Sonoma.

Middle of the Road Vision

To bring together leaders and community organizers who are committed to educational justice in Sonoma County’s high schools. 

Reunir a líderes y organizadores que estén comprometidos con la justicia educativa en las preparatorias del condado de Sonoma.

Long Term Vision

To co-create a pipeline of youth organizers and leaders in Sonoma County.

Co-crear un grupo de jóvenes organizadores y líderes en el condado de Sonoma.